The purpose of Spring Hill Primary School is to ensure students thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Spring Hill Primary School will be a culturally responsive professional learning community catering for the needs of our students.
We believe out students learn best when:
- Our teachers’ collective sense of efficacy is high
- They experience effective, evidence based whole school approaches to instruction
- The instructional approaches and learning programs are informed by classroom, cohort and system level data
- Assessment, both formative and summative, is part of teachers’ instructional practice and provide students with explicit, actionable feedback about their learning
- Their teachers work collaboratively, applying a structure process that focuses on learning data, a commitment to improving instructional practice and results in increased student achievement and progress
- They have positive relationships with their teachers
- Strong partnerships between teachers, parents and carers are developed, sustained and are valued
A copy of the 2022-2025 Spring Hill Primary School Strategic Plan can be viewed here
Yellagonga was an Aboriginal leader of the northside of Perth and spent time around the Joondalup area, which includes Tapping, during seasonal camp movements.
The top section of the artwork shows the lakes and streams around the area, they include Lake Joondalup, Mariginiup Lake, Little Mariginiup Lake, Lake Goollelal and Lake Gnangara. These lakes were formed by the Wagyl (Rainbow Serpent), the Wagyl is the creator of the Noongar. The lakes and their surrounds were occupied by the Aboriginal people for thousands of years as they provided food and shelter. They were also used for ceremonies and gatherings with other tribes.
On the left of the lakes are the song-lines, the song-lines are the history of the school. They are formed by the founders of the school and each year the students and teachers follow those footsteps making it what it is today, this creates the history and foundation for a successful future.
The different coloured dots to the left of the song-lines represent the students, staff and volunteers who have worked and attended the school since it opened. Not only the ones that are still involved but also those who have left or passed away.
The semi-circle symbols show the parents and their children.
The seven (7) circles are the school’s values and outside are the staff and students who embrace these values. The values include: Collaboration, Accountability, Authenticity, Trust, Inclusivity, Integrity and Respect. With these values the school has respectably shown what it takes to run a successful school and to get the best out of the students.
The Years 1 to 6 can be seen down the bottom and are all connected to each other. The connect from Year 1 to 6. Above them in the red are two (2) small circles that represents the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary children.
The last section of the artwork, at the bottom, are the ochre rocks, these rocks are powdered down and mixed with animal oil and water to create paint and are then used to paint bark and rock. These paints are also used to paint bodies for ceremonies, dance, and war.
Artist: Kevin Bynder